May 4, 2010


My topic is bullying in schools. My target audience are adults, who I feel can take the responsibility, more so than children, to help solve this worldwide problem. I experienced bullying in El Salvador when I was in school in the seventh grade, and the experience has always stayed with me and has partially shaped who I am today, and who I will become.
"TOUGH ENOUGH" is my slogan and advertising campaign design. I revised my proposal from my essay in such that I am targeting all adults rather than to specifically address the government, who has the ability to make and pass new laws regarding bullying. If parents of bullied children, as well as parents of bullys, are made aware of this situation through this ad campaign, then maybe they can start to make the necessary changes and bring more attention to the government to make changes in the laws regarding bullying.
My advertisement is a magazine ad. It shows a girl who is not looking at the camera. She looks down, not out to her audience. Her hands support her head. She looks sad, and she gives the impression that she has a lot on her mind. The phrase TOUGH ENOUGH makes the reader think what happened to this girl, or is this girl tough enough to take on life or whatever it is that this girl is involved with. The picture of the boy with the words tough enough is a very powerful image. The boy looks like a bully.
The imagery and the slogan are very captivating which draws the reader into the ad and gets the reader involved. The image and slogan also makes a lasting impression on the audience that is viewing this advertisement campaign.